Crithmum Maritimum

Maritime sea fennel
Crithmum Maritimum, also called sea fennel, belongs to the genus of umbellifers and grows on the coast of Brittany. There, the maritime plant is constantly facing external stress factors. The challenging conditions within its natural habitat make it particularly resistant to sea spray, UV exposure, temperature changes and strong winds. Even against the high salinity and low nutrient concentration in the coastal soil, the maritime plant developed a high tolerance. Sea fennel belongs to the group of so-called "halophytes" (halos = salt and phytos = plant). This means that it has adapted to the extremely low water availability triggered by the high salt concentration. This is possible because of special stem cells located in the root tip, which are responsible for the healthy growth of the plant.
The extract of sea fennel (Crithmum Maritimum) acts like vitamin A. It promotes collagen and hyaluronic acid production and helps the skin to keep hydrated. The skin becomes smoother, facial contours become more defined and the skin gets a healthy, rejuvenated glow. The maritime active ingredient also helps to soothe inflammatory reactions. It is possible to obtain plant stem cells from sea fennel, which have an activating property on human skin stem cells. They support human skin stem cells in their resistance, stimulate the renewal of skin cells and strengthen skin tissue.