Professional chemical peel Professional chemical peel

The Dalton AHA Fruit Acid Treatment


Whether you suffer from blemish-prone skin, acne, hyperpigmentation or wrinkles – chemical peels offer a powerful remedy for skin problems as well as an effective anti-aging treatment.

While most types of exfoliants only have a superficial effect, acid-based peels can also reach the deeper layers of the skin. Similar to physical scrubs and enzyme peels, chemical peels exfoliate dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin. Depending on the product’s pH and concentration of the fruit acids, they can penetrate deep into the skin and intensify the effect. Professional AHA peels can also stimulate collagen production, which strengthens the connective tissue, resulting in wrinkle reduction and firmer skin. In addition to the anti-aging effect, the cells‘ moisture reserves are also replenished during the treatment. Even in couperose skin, the use of mild fruit acids strengthens the skin and enhances the elasticity of capillaries.

FRUIT ACIDS For various skin problems & wrinkles
AHA peel for professionals AHA peel for professionals


Fruit acids are so-called hydroxy acids which consist of the acidic component of many fruits. There are two groups: The first group of fruit acids is called alpha hydroxy acids – AHA for short. These acids include glycolic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, tartaric acid and citric acid. Salicylic acid belongs to the second group, the beta hydroxy acids (BHA).  


Fruit acids are so-called hydroxy acids which consist of the acidic component of many fruits. There are two groups: The first group of fruit acids is called alpha hydroxy acids – AHA for short. These acids include glycolic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, tartaric acid and citric acid. Salicylic acid belongs to the second group, the beta hydroxy acids (BHA).  


To effectively counteract skin problems such as blackheads, clogged pores, pimples, acne scars, dark spots or wrinkles, there are two forms of treatments available that complement each other perfectly: For quick results that are visible and noticeable after just a few sessions, we recommend booking a professional chemical peel. Compared to gentler at-home products, a trained specialist can use products with a higher acid content and a lower pH to individually address existing skin problems and adapt to the respective skin type – for a flawless complexion and visibly clearer and rejuvenated skin. To intensify the results or to gently prepare the skin for a professional chemical peel, you should integrate some at-home fruit acid products (20% AHA Exfoliant, AHA Exfoliating Pads) into your regular skincare routine.

AHA peel – the right combination of pH value and acid concentration

When using an AHA peel, you not only have to take into account the percentage of acids, but also the pH value.

pH and acid concentration in AHA products pH and acid concentration in AHA products

Example: If a product has a high percentage of AHAs, but a neutral or alkaline pH value, the effect is much gentler than a product with a high percentage of AHAs and a slightly acidic pH value.

AHA Treatment - On the Threshold to Medicine

Professional AHA peels are not just a great remedy for blemish-prone skin, because the DALTON AHA treatment can do much more: With innovative formulas, the fruit acid peel can also be used to combat wrinkles as part of an anti-aging treatment. It leads to a firmer complexion after just a few sessions, strengthens the connective tissue and fine lines and wrinkles are reduced. This process is enhanced by the most vitamin C-rich fruit in the world, the Kakadu plum. The DALTON AHA concept includes three different AHA treatments, which differ in terms of their acid content and pH value: Our Soft Refining peel offers a gentle treatment for all who are new to acid-based products. It refines the skin’s texture and promotes a clear complexion. The Intense Purifying peel was specially developed for targeting, blemishes, acne and pimple scars. The High Performance Lift anti-aging peel reduces fine lines and wrinkles for a radiant, even and plump complexion. Following all three chemical peels, the skin must be treated with the pH Neutralizer, an alkaline gel to stop the acidic process.

AHA PEELS Dos and Don‘ts

What to do when you get an AHA treatment

The best time to start an AHA treatment is in the fall or winter, because acid peels can make the skin more sensitive to the sun. While chemical peels can be used all year round, it is then all the more important to use a sunscreen with a high SPF. A particularly gentle and effective way to prepare for a professional AHA peel is to use acid-based exfoliants at home before you start the treatment. Make sure your skin is in good shape – you should not start the treatment if you have any infections such as herpes, inflammation or any allergies to ingredients. Possible side effects may include slight redness and skin feeling hot or tight, but these will subside after a short time.

DALTON AHA treatments may only be used by trained professionals.